Friday 22 July 2011

Taking a break...

Hmm...It seems that all my inspiration has vanished. Can't think anything interesting/original lately. I guess I'll put all my projects to a pause for some time. I used to create everything as a hobbie, but now, it became more like a work. Heh, I just don't feel any enjoyment. Maybe everything will be OK again after few weeks : ) I guess I'll read some books, try to create a song (not a soundtrack), watch a movie, etc.

P.S. I got used adding pictures here, so I'll add one here too. This one Roger, from Sign of the Butterfly. I believe that was my start of creation : )


  1. Sounds like a wise idea, but does it mean we won't be hearing anything from you during whole summer ? :)

  2. I don't know. I still plan to release fully voiced Oblitus, so that's one post. Maybe I'll some screens from "I just have to remember.", write new ideas I got, or new characters I made.
